Monday, December 16, 2013

A few information about Nelson Mandela (1918-2013)

Nelson Mandela was an anti-apartheid revolutioner,who became first first president of South africa in 1994 year.He was the president of South Africa till 1999 year.The famous leader fought against racial discrimination and apartheid during his whole career.
In 1961 year Mandela found Umkhonto we Sizwe, this was Africa's national congress' military force and it was conflicting South Africa's authority system,or racial discrimination.Nelson Mandela spent 27 year in jail.He was accused for organizing sabotage and plot against an authority.He was sentenced a hostile imprisonment,but for freeing Mandela after successful lobbying of an international campaign,Mandela got a freedom.
He procured more than 250 awards in his life,among them Nobel's reward in peace branch in 1993 year.Mandela died in 95 age, in 2013 year on 5th December.

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